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FLYMIPPG flight house


FlyMiPPG LLC is a USPPA/ ASC Certified  paramotor flight school offering a personalized paramotoring training experience. We will custom tailor your paramotor training and equipment based on you, your flying style, your physical characteristics, and your budget.


We offer training and equipment from the industry's top manufacturers of wings, motors, and accessories. If brand-new equipment is not in this year's budget, no problem. We will be happy to consult with you on the best-used equipment available, whom to buy from, where to find it, how to size it, and what you should be looking for based on your PPG needs.


Meet Mike and Bob! They are the founders and lead instructors of FlyMiPPG LLC.


Mike's background includes a BS from the University of Utah where he studied Ski Resorts, Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Law. He spent 24 years in surgical device sales and commercial real estate investing.  After taking a tandem flight in Grindelwald, Switzerland, Mike immediately fell in love with paragliding/paramotoring. His passion for flight inspired him to share this sport with others by creating FlyMiPPG LLC. 


Bob started skydiving at the age of 19 and after 40 years needed something else. One day, he saw someone paramotoring and thought it looked interesting. For the last 10 years, Bob has been flying in the skies and joined the Fly Mi instructor team 4 years ago as a founding member of FlyMiPPG LLC.

Mike and Bob at FlyMiPPG Paramotor field
PPG flying into the sunset


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